- Sappheira -  

Sappheira came to live with us februari 2006. She was raised in cattery Sarafina in Danmark. Her colour was blue-smoke. She was a social and friendly beauty and felt mainly drawn to the other cats. In her childhood  Sappheira was a bit shy, but that disappeared after she had her first litter. She became really curious. Like other blue coons, she didn't become very big.
In januari she went to live with Frederieke and Willem and her new friend tomcat Bart. We were very happy with that new home for her. Unfortunately she died in januari 2018 after a tumor was diagnosed.
 Also see "rehoming".

                                                                        dec '12


                                                - Sappheira with kitten from Chanti -                                                                                            

                                       Sappheira is tested HCM (scan and gentest), PKD, FIV, FelV en PL. Also see "health".